New Family Photo!!

The View out our window this am

Mommy In Hospital Room In early am
Monitor: Top is babies heartbeat, Bottom is momma's contractions

Momma and equipment

Momma and Karen the first nurse

Later Visit from Steph’s Family and Abigail, Aunt Angela and Claire whom she nannies for
Abigail in Room 1

Abigail Drinking Sippy before Allen arrives

Want My sippy?

Abigail and Claire who Aunt Angela nannies
Abigail and Claire Kissing
Abigail and Claire Hugging
Our wonderful Nurse Jess who stayed with us all day and through the delivery
Mom Looking at Allen Lovingly... Right after birth

Steph looking at Allen... aww my baby :)

"Kisses Allen!" Allen looks lovingly at momma's kissies

Allen stares up at momma

Allen in Warming Bassinet

Allen all Bundled up in Bassinet

Daddy and Allen
Allen Being Held
Allen with his mouth Open Wide
Abigail looking at little brother in Grandma's arms

Grandpa Estep and Baby Allen
Grandma Estep and Allen
Uncle Michael and Baby Allen
Uncle Michael and Allen 2
Uncle Michael and Allen 3
Aunt Angela (sissy) and Allen
Mommy and Abigail After Allen was born
Mommy telling Abigail "I love you" After Allen was born