Wednesday, June 10, 2009

2009 Vacation!!

Parts of our trip were in Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Ohio. It was great to see family and do some sight seeing. Abigail really enjoyed the time playing with her little cousins.

Here she is with Devin.
The Disc Golf players - Brittany, Mike, Bill, and Brianna
Fun times on the slide were had by Lexi, Brianna, and Abby
The littlest of the Funky Bunch...Zoe
She's a little dare-devil and loving every bit of it
These two had a great time laughing so much at each other.
And tickling each other.
Here's Uncle Mike and the brood of girls
group photo!
Wayne and Abby in the Conservatory at Longwood Gardens

Us with Jen, Wayne, Devin and the traveling musicians at Longwood Garden in PA
Fort Rapids water park was a lot of fun!
There were lots of great kid toys for Abby like this water swing.

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