Sunday, June 29, 2008

Abigail is 5 Months Old

My mom and dad still take me everywhere, mostly against my will! I saw these neat yellow things called flowers, I'm not sure what they are for.
I'll tell you a thing or two...but you have to come see me.
Look how hard I'm trying to sit up!
I love to stare at Daddy, really, it's one of my favorite past times.
Awe, Daddy's kissing me!!!
Guess what?!? I found my tounge!
We were both exhausted from playing hard, so we had a little rest together.
Look at my cool Bumbo seat, other babies are jealous, hee hee.
Mommy and Daddy read lots of stories to me, I pretend to pay attention.

I have to eat everything in sight, this poor elaphant had no idea what was coming! I love to eat my toes too!! Yummy!!
Grandpa tries to teach me how to play with my lips, but I'm not sure how to yet.
We did enjoy holding hands though.

Think I have plenty of toys? Grandma spoils me already!
I am learning the piano early, just call me Mozette.
Can I play this with my head?
Here comes the rice cereal, not so bad at first.
I'm not so sure about it anymore.
DONE, I'm done I say!
Look at me, I'm SUPER BABY!!!


mysterioussomething said...

she is loved

Anonymous said...

I love you, Abigail, and I can't help spoiling you. You're too little right now to know, just wait until you're older. I have all kinds of plans for just the 2 of us. You look so cute in that pink outfit with the hat. I don't blame Daddy for kissing you. Love ya! Grandma Estep